BE HEARD! Malaysian, please sing this before voting!
I'm gonna make a change
for once in my life
gonna feel real good
gonna make a difference
gonna make it right
as I turn up at the poll, to cast my powerful vote
It's time that you realise
There are people out here with no proper life
Who are you to be blind pretending not to see their needs
We gave you umpteen years, but you put on your deaf ears and pretend we are dumb
We are tired of hearing your lies you see, that is why we say enough
and we are kicking you out!
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his vote
And my message will be much clearer
If we want make this state a better place
We must say with our vote and make the change!
Malaysian! Make the change happen!
Yeah!! Go for the change, now, and I really mean it, NOW!! Must cast your vote diligently, my fellow Malaysian!!
we will kick BN out of Malaysia, we have enough of your lies!!
When elections are far, BN dont give a damn about Malaysia. When elections are near, WOW, hospitals and upgrading of schools are promised, a song about Malaysia is produced and may be seen on tv now. We need a government that consistently care for people, not take people's heart just to win an election, and go cool on those people again.
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