一名马来西亚正部长薪水(Setiap Bulan----每个月!)
1。基本薪酬: RM 18000 ( Basic Salary )
2。娱乐津贴: RM 10500 ( Elaun Hiburan )
3。房屋津贴: RM10800 ( Elaun Rumah )
4。人民代表津贴: RM10650 ( Elaun Wakil )
5。停车费津贴: RM 5700 ( Elaun Parking )
大概总共每月RM55650 马币,不管他是有做工还是生病。
1。1年1次的国外旅行游玩,可以申请最多 RM50000 的津贴。就算没旅行,也是可以照领。
2。免费使用电费。 ( free electric)
3。免费使用水费。 ( free air)
4。免费使用电话费。 (free handphone)
5。装修/维修每年可以领最多 RM40000津贴。
(renovation tahunan)
6。1架马赛地汽车 S320,配有手机,1名驾驶员,免费汽油。
(free mercedes S320,driver, petrol)
(Donation semua boleh claim)
8。开斋节举办开放日,一切开销最多可以报销 RM 400000。 (rumah terbuka tahunan boleh claim)
9。除了以上所列,每个部长还可以另外报销公账多达 RM45000。
其实只是elaun keraian 娱乐津贴 那里扣10%而已,不是总数的10%。
停车费津贴 是如何能够津贴5700令吉那么多???
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You angry? Malaysia's leading minister's monthly salary and allowances
Recently, some Malaysian ministers, or senior officials, oil prices have been one o'clock is not that expensive (1 liter was just a little since then!), And they just asked people on the way to change the habits of life, energy-saving and carbon , so it! The biggest reason is probably out because of their salary.
We all know that when a minister of Malaysia, the number of people pay them every month to pay it?
Malaysia's leading minister's monthly salary and allowances are as follows:
Malaysia is a minister of salary (Setiap Bulan ---- per month!)
1. Basic Salary: RM 18000 (Basic Salary)
2. Entertainment allowance: RM 10500 (Elaun Hiburan)
3. Housing allowance: RM10800 (Elaun Rumah)
4. People's allowance: RM10650 (Elaun Wakil)
5. Parking allowance: RM 5700 (Elaun Parking)
A total of about a month RM55650 RM, work, or whether he is sick.
Other facilities include:
1.1 1-year of foreign travel for fun, you can apply for up to RM50000 allowance. Even if no travel is also possible according to lead.
2. Free use of electricity. (Free electric)
3. Free water. (Free air)
4. Free use of telephone charges. (Free handphone)
5. Renovation / maintenance allowance for each year leading up to RM40000.
(Renovation tahunan)
6.1 Mercedes Car S320, with a cell phone, a driver, free gasoline.
(Free mercedes S320, driver, petrol)
7. Red / white thing, donations can be reported so the public accounts.
(Donation semua boleh claim)
8. Hari Raya open day, all expenses can be reimbursed up to RM 400000. (Rumah terbuka tahunan boleh claim)
9. In addition to the above listed, each minister of public accounts can also be reimbursed up to RM45000.
There is beginning on July 1 last year, each minister's salary deduction of 10% do not say?
In fact, there is only elaun keraian entertainment allowance deduction of 10% only, not the total number of 10%.
Parking allowance is 5700 ringgit how much subsidy? ? ?
I really do not understand the ministers what the ghost car is parked in the parking place to be so expensive fees! ! !
Your heart will be hurt? ? ?
Year we pay taxes to the government so much money, ministers have to take all our salaries,
But they gave us people any good? ? ?
1) Dr Ng Yen Yen to engage with 1800 yuan a bad ghost face book page! ! !
2) Luo Sima fat woman with a few million to buy a bag, bought a ring!
3) oil prices from doom! ! !
4) a few million to buy a dog!
See, as the Malaysian people, you, the heart will be hurt?
其实马来西亚很有钱 但是马来西亚的政府乱花钱
Najib 万衰,罗死马万衰,国政慢慢衰。
国阵续执政, 国家大地震。国阵若不除,人民必受苦。国阵再掌权,人民更没钱。国阵若败阵,国家必飞腾。国阵一除掉,人民都欢笑。
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