Although many of the protesters were wearing yellow (in support of Bersih 2.0), they were mere Malaysians protesting for the release of the detainees and were voicing their discontentment of how the government treated the people at the Bersih 2.0 in Kuala Lumpur. Therefore, you do not hear anymore of the 'Clean & Fair Election' related chants.
At 4:47, you will see close up of some placards including one that says,
"Dear Rosmah, Show us your USD24.4m ring.
P/S : Where did you get the money?"
@el Hahaha...tapi melayu yang banyak support bersih. Kau tak selesa ke? Nasib baik orang berfikiran macam kau makin kurang, terima kasih pada era modern dan melayu yang berfikiran wajar dimana otak kolot/sempit/racist akan pupus.
cina malaysia yg tak malu lagi bengap
@el Hahaha...tapi melayu yang banyak support bersih. Kau tak selesa ke? Nasib baik orang berfikiran macam kau makin kurang, terima kasih pada era modern dan melayu yang berfikiran wajar dimana otak kolot/sempit/racist akan pupus.
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