一个马来西亚 - 夜市记
Mix ethnicity in Malaysia. The many languages in Malaysia. How it was like to be colonised by the British.
Respecting & understanding betweet ethnic groups in Malaysia, & great food.
Malaysia likes to laugh, dance & karaoke. Hence clubbing, hence vice.
Branded ah? hehe
Ten Ringgit ah? hehe
what brand, what brand???
**ssot la
ya, kena shot lar... haha
wahahaha... c00L! I LOVE MALAYSIA! xD
to be honest. these mix of languages cannot sustain for so long. it should be just one language for better understandings.
I enjoy this video very much. Thanks for enlightening me not to connect the pasar malam with traffic congestion only. I know some of my friends and neighbours treat the pasar malam like an exciting adventure. Well, I should visit the pasar malam and relive the spirit. Syabas!
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