But the move was mainly directed at the participants in the Bersih 2.0 rally and was done in accordance with police standard operating procedure, said federal public order and internal security chief Salleh Rashid.
"The matter is still under investigation. However, the police do not deny the possibility (that water cannon spray and tear gas may have entered the hospital premises)," Salleh told a press conference this afternoon.
yangdikatakan menolak anggota polis pada 11:44 tu adalah anggota polis... lihat 11:27.. ada badge polis di vest kuning tu...
punye la lame edit smpi 2 mnggu, ni je video yg korang mampu tunjuk? nape ade pause2..tunjuk kejap2? tunjukla full. kualiti hampeh...berlambak lagi video yg cntik dlm youtube ni..siap ade HD lg. tolong la jgn tipu rakyat dh. nti terserlah sgt kebodohan tu...malu la skit..hmmm
1. PDRM tukar statement awal 5000 ribu kepada tidak lebih 10000 pulak.
2. kenapa ambil masa nk edit? polis ditolak atau dia terjatuh?
3. kenapa polis tak tunjuk yg langgar SOP? dan mintak dijelaskan yg terajang perserta bersih.
4. panjat water canon tanpa senjata? mana senjata mana letupan?
5. TAKDE pon nampak polis solat sekali...
pembohong besar polis ni....nak menipu pon tipu org mati la.....
Ha! Bollywood hindustan kah? Jahanamlah imej PDRM lagi video begini di paparkan.........tak malukah? dimana pofersonal PDRM......
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