Only after we cried, we felt the pain, we will treasure our life. For those who want to cover the truth, we hope you can feel the weight of life, and listen to the voice from bottom of our heart. We don't want any tragedy, and so we believe you are.
Thanks for the support and the love guys. This video wasn't make for blaming or cursing. I believe all who loves malaysia will understand why we share this video.
We join Bersih 2.0 for one reason, a fair and clean election.
We record everything and present some truth that people need to know.
We are not from any party, or any politics.
We only hope a better future for our country.
Please help to spread if you believe what we believe, about justice, and democracy.
We hope Dear PM, Home Minister, Inspector-General of Police can see this.
We hope they can feel how their citizen feel.
We hope of justice, a better future.
We love Malaysia.
respect the guys who did this video
Im not Malay,Indian or Chinese.
im just a Malaysian.
a person that wants to know why they are treating us like this?
These polismen are next to useless in their training, with no first aid training, no knife, no guts to admit they are sorry. Its time to set up a Polis Complaints Commission to investigate all these miscarry of justice.
i'm with the government but police got to respect their rights. jangan main kurang ajar je dengan rakyat. diorang x wat pe pon polis da kecoh respect la skit..
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