Malaysia Sport News: A Manchester United fan pushed his luck a little too far when he showed up at the Liverpool training session at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil wearing the Red Devils kit. Liverpool fans saw red and he was lucky to get away with only losing his shirt. He resisted attempts to strip him, but his jersey was eventually lifted off in front of a crowd yelling "Buka! Buka!" ("Take it off!").
ohduniakutv said: This guy provoked liverpool fans first by keep showing off his Manchester United jersey. He keep showing and kissing Manchester United badges all the way up to his seat, then raises both his hands and started screaming (i'm not sure if i heard wrongly but he shouted 'champion'?) If he were to sit down quietly and watch the training I think he would at most get 'boo-ed' .
p/s: this is my observation. I'm neither a fan of Liverpool nor Manchester United, i'm just a football fan :p
How do you think, Liverpool fans done right?
just imagine in a man u tour, a guy wearing a liverpool shirt(one and only in the crowd).. what wud the man u fans do?
haha.....comel lak time die nk nangis 2....tp cayalaa lu bro...byk kental oooo
Its not about Barca, Madrid, Chelsea, Arsenal. I think its only between Liverpool & MU given the history of both..
orng mlysia memng kecoh,..da la tk pkai jersi mlysia,..g sane orng ludah je kot kt asian pple,kt sanjung cam bodoh siap nk nyanyi,..hish...tkde maruah..pkai otk la
I was at Man Utd tour 2 yrs ago and during the match a Liverpool fan, wearing Liverpool shirt bearing TORRES name, was even shown at giant screen, but all he got was cheering and laugh!
That shows how rude Liverpool fans are and how kurang ajar they all! Shame on Liverpool and fuck Liverpool fans for their coward act and shameful reaction! No wonder Man Utd 19 Liverpool 18!
but barca can kick both liverpool and MU asses w ease
name pon
Liverfool.. fan dye pon Fool..! bodoh giler fan2 Liverfool ni
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