For the next series I will reveal some prisoners were comfortable when arrested, and they were given buffet priced at RM24 per head.
Meanwhile police involved in the Ops OFF Bersih 2.0 provided packed of rice RM5 only.
Notice how prudent police to treat the demonstration when they were detained for interrogation.
No one was beaten, trampled or provoked by the police. Even the police bus provided to ensure the demonstration safe return to home.
What do you think about police treat the detainees Bersih 2.0?
bangang punye polis........sial....ptuihhhhhhhhhh
ish, 'kejamnya' polis, sampai dihidang nasi briyani, sial nye Bersih
macam ni punye besh, baik aku jadi tahanan masa tu
Sketsa bersih2.0... "syabas pejuang2 sekalian, ini adalah jihad, jadi bersama samalah kita menentang kerajaan Malaysia yang zalim! Takbir! Takbir! TakBUUURRRRRRPPP .." (sedawa berserta bau nasi briyani yang menusuk kalbuu..) - malas straight foward ngan owang camni kata dah otai, lu pikir la sendiriiiii
If those people life in other country, I think they can't get this kind of treat from police.
Bodoh punya video ..
mungkin menteri & ketua polis dapat komisen rm20 makanan dari setiap tahanan..lol
dah macam kem tentera..
so..???? Wat is this silly video trying to show? IF PDRM is really have got balls, make a date with the People, let's show the videos/images simultaneously in front of the medias, medias from all over the world! I dare u, chicken PDRM!
Tahanan Patriot kot....
hampa katok, tendang, bedai lebih korang then bagi makan, layanan baik konon, hentikan laaahhhhhhh........
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