An extravagant party held by a Malaysian bank for its ageing founder has sparked ridicule online, with some comparing it to the type of event held in North Korea to praise leader Kim Jong Il. The party was held on July 23 to mark Public Bank Bhd's 45th anniversary and honour its 81-year-old chairman, Teh Hong Piow, but a video of the lavish celebration only began circulating online on YouTube and elsewhere this week. The video shows hundreds of bank staff, singers, and dancers waving small flags in a banquet hall to welcome Teh's arrival. The bank chief - who was ranked Malaysia's third-wealthiest person by Forbes magazine this year - was brought in like a head of state, standing in the bed of a pickup truck flanked by motorcycle outriders dressed as policemen.
Must enter the Malaysia books of record as the biggest ass kissing event
All the shareholders and employees of Public Bank would gladly approve of this lavish party to thank someone who has given them so much in terms of good dividends and bonuses by guiding the bank to ever greater heights. Let us not get carried away with our criticism however well founded after all Tan Sri Teh worked hard and through his vision, have made what Public Bank is today. Personally, I would not approve such lavish spending but this is Tan Sri Teh and his bank's money, they have a right.
Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Teh deserves every moment of the event.
He has worked & struggled hard all his life with his enterpreneurship to achive this country and the Bank proud.
No one has the divine right to criticise on this grand ocassion.
He deserves it!!
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