Singapore vs Malaysia first leg for 2014 World Cup Qualifiers played at Jalan Besar Stadium, Singapore on 23 July 2011 7:25pm. The game ended with the scored is Singapore vs Malaysia 5-3.
1min [0 - 1] Mohd Safee Sali
8min [1 - 1] Aleksandar Duric
22min [2 - 1] Qiu Li
44min [3 - 1] M. Fahrudin
45min [4 - 1] Jia Yi Shi
70min [4 - 2] Amirul Hadi Yahya
71min [4 - 3] Mohd Safee Sali
81min [5 - 3] Aleksandar Duric
ade fan malaysia r kt tgah2 fans singapore tadi an..hbat r lu brader
kalau kite xde safee sali, kite dh xde striker yg tenang, berskill n penyudah yang mantap (kaki kanan idup, kaki kiri power, tanduk pon power). kalau safee xde, FAKri boleh buat??tengok berapa match dah FAKri main tp ape die buat???Badrol boleh???Izzaq??adui..sakit btul dgn striker yg tumpul..betul2 safee je yg mantap..serius, safee the next legend..die dh hadiahkan Aff cup utk kita..
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