CM Lim said that finally the truth is revealed and the rakyat can see for themselves. CM Lim said that although all sorts of accusations have been thrown at him, he will remain patient and pray for truth.
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CM LIM harap bersabar! Rakyat Malaysia perlu sedar! As a Penangite, seeing u been bombarded with baseless accusations, it's just very saddening :'(! Macam manapun, CM HOU HOU YEHHH!
CM .. u r rite ... dont worry .. we all modern malaysian .. we all know what is wrong and what is right .....just be patient for penangite ..
They dont have idea's how to take over penang that's why using this kind method very bored and bored .. just ask them debate about economi and future of malaysia better .. especially INFLASI .. keep it up for better malaysian :)
hope you won't give up dear sir, not all Muslim Malays support UMNO. I for one will support you no matter what they say, thanks. Please keep SAFE.
CM, you will always have our support no matter what. let us all show the devious that we the rakyat are not naive. we have brains to judge what is right and what is not!
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