Son: Mum, i saw there are 1Malaysia logo all through the town. What is it all about actually?
Mum: Hmm ... I saw it in 1Malaysia store yesterday. I guess it is just a brand of underwear.
Son: Underwear? No wonder i saw Ajib always shows his finger up. I guess he means that he need 1Malaysia underwear to cover "it".
Mum: Maybe next time we can see 1Malaysia bra, 1Malaysia condom, 1Malaysia pad...
ah jib mesti pakai brand ini punya.
I swear i will never sleep with a guy who wears that brief. Yucks!
Those must b so cheap that our bangla frens will buy them :)
a true "1malaysian" will share the underwear when a brother is in need! LOLOLOL!!!
they will supply this underwear to all government staff..and they will tell u this "ini menunjukkan kerajaan prihatin terhadap keperluan rakyat"
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