Penang PAS Youth has held a press conference at Komtar to reveal several irregularities in the electoral roll. Some of these include two voters age 127 years, a large number of voters from countries which cannot be identified and one whose address is at Pusat Serenti.
Only in recent years has the public been allowed to verify the registrations by going online. Therefore the electoral roll has been dirty since long ago. This electoral roll is like an old and dirty machine. If like that, how is the nation going to achieve great heights? Msia boasts about being a hi-tech country having advanced IT/computer program expertise. In that case it should be easy to overhaul or replace the dirty machine. Why not do it?
This BN has been out of control...... now they have done wat ever they wan to maintain their power........ they also know they cannot gain the citizen's support so they need some voter from overseas..... To all Malaysian pls wake up...... if we still let them to lead the country again n there really no future for us...... think about ur future n ur family, is time we have to stand up together n say no to BN.......
Only in recent years has the public been allowed to verify the registrations by going online. Therefore the electoral roll has been dirty since long ago. This electoral roll is like an old and dirty machine. If like that, how is the nation going to achieve great heights? Msia boasts about being a hi-tech country having advanced IT/computer program expertise. In that case it should be easy to overhaul or replace the dirty machine. Why not do it?
steadylah ustaz Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden..
My fellow Malaysians, lets stop this BN gov from doing more harm & damage to our nation! love our country!!!
This BN has been out of control...... now they have done wat ever they wan to maintain their power........ they also know they cannot gain the citizen's support so they need some voter from overseas..... To all Malaysian pls wake up...... if we still let them to lead the country again n there really no future for us...... think about ur future n ur family, is time we have to stand up together n say no to BN.......
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