A good example of a phantom voter!
These two person have no IC, but they are registered voters!
Election Commission should stop giving excuses and use indelible ink instead!
The IC no is :
Check for yourself at :
JPN site: http://www.jpn.gov.my/semakic
SPR site: http://daftarj.spr.gov.my/NEWDAFTARJ/DaftarjBM.aspx
No matter what the EC use, there still got phantom voters because they are not independent, they need to work for BN, listen to BN, try any way they can, by crook or by hook to creat more & more phantom voters so that to ensure BN will win. So the only way is BERSIH!!!
here an idea we can create a website after the voting and let ppl to vote on the website who they vote
That won't work, half of the voters don't log on to Internet, that's the only reason why BN could still win.
This is treason to King and country by BN. Yet they dare to lock up PSM6 for waging war against the King.
did u try to put your own ic?? u still get the same msg.... i think the information given here is wrong!
You are pengundi hantu? It works for me...
It works for me too. Anonymous that comment on 7th August could be a PATI then.
Actually i got a question... wat does it means by " daftar pemilih yang telah disahkan " ... When i entered my name, its there.. but i haven sign up for the election or anything??? this is confusing??
hmm... what website do you use?
Careful, if you never register, yet your name is registered, means someone else vote under your name.
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