p/s: 连国外媒体都把马来西亚证实的一面报导了。今后不再为此事做出任何回应的说!
Let's anti-governemnt because what they did to us on rejecting Bersih which I'm not satisfied on it. I join this event because I'm a Malaysian, but not as an online media representative, yet nobody see any media LOGO from this video. Everyone has a right to speak out as citizen from the bottom of the heart. So, let's change for better Malaysia.
Thanks for the effort, but, Mr. Isaac, you got it so wrong. BERSIH is not an anti-government movement and it discourages party flags and slogans to be used.
I hope, being an online media person, you shall be more careful with your words next time.
Thanks for your comment, and indeed I did not mention that BERSIH is an anti-government movement, I just said "Let's anti-governemnt (because what they did to us on rejecting Bersih)". If you were an online media person, you will understand that media need highlight, and online media need bigger highlight. Anyway, I respect your stand through your comment ^^ Cheers for better Malaysia.
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